
RAVAPI CARRIER SYSTEM Custom IT System Development

Screenshot of Ravapi Carrier System

Project Objectives

Our mission was to create a custom software solution to manage the majority of Ravapi's administrative tasks. The main goal was to achieve business process automation, enhancing both customer experience and employee productivity. Given the sensitive nature of the data involved, a critical requirement was robust data security.

Why Choose Us?

Our dedication to Ravapi’s mission and our extensive knowledge of software development assured them that they were investing in a high-quality solution.

Scope of Work

Our comprehensive solution covered a wide range of tasks, including:

  • Customer Registration Automation
  • Data & File Management associated with clients
  • Fleet Management
  • Vehicle Event History Tracking
  • HR and Payroll Settlement Management
  • User and Company Branch Management
  • System Audit for Change Tracking

The system was designed to operate in a browser on both computers and mobile devices.

Collaboration Approach

During the design phase, we clarified the forthcoming changes and expected outcomes. We prepared mock-ups and a detailed description of the new system, communicating via video chat, phone, and email.

We introduced Ravapi to our project management software, enabling them to track progress and streamline the feature request process.


As part of the project, we created a web application accessible from a web browser, which automated most of the company's administrative tasks. The application facilitated easy management of data and files related to clients, as well as effective fleet management, vehicle event history, HR, and payroll settlements.

Thanks to the intuitive user interface and the use of best design practices, both the company's clients and employees can easily use the system. We ensured the application's responsiveness, meaning that the interface scales to the user's device, enabling easy access to the system from mobile phones or tablets.

We prioritized data security, but also their accessibility and proper allocation. We configured the entire server infrastructure so that the system could operate efficiently, and data was secure and easily accessible.

This solution allowed us to achieve the main project goals - process automation, increased work efficiency, and offering clients hassle-free matters handling.

Technologies Used

.NET CóręVuejsIdentity serverDockerMicrosoft sql server

Post-Implementation Support

To facilitate the transition to the new tool, we prepared a user manual and conducted system usage training.

Our collaboration didn't end with the project implementation. To date, RAVAPI continues to order new modules from us and leverages our specialists' expertise to make system usage more efficient, secure, and adaptable to ever-changing market conditions.