
BEAUTY MANAGER Creating a Comprehensive Beauty Salon Management Platform

Project Goals

The primary objective of the Beauty Manager project was to build a robust platform that would streamline the management of clients for beauty salons and hairdressers. Our mission was to develop a web application that would allow for efficient management of various operational aspects.

Why Choose Us?

Our unwavering commitment to professionalism and delivering high-quality products assured our client that we were the right team to turn their vision into a reality.

Scope of Work

Our work revolved around several key areas:

  • Development of a web application and a simplified Android application to support service sales and reservations.
  • Seamless integration with the Stripe payment gateway for smooth transaction processes.
  • Enabling easy access to a calendar for clients, simplifying appointment management.
  • Ensure responsiveness and cross-platform accessibility
  • Implement inventory management module
  • Manage orders, system users, employees, and available services

Way of Collaboration

The project kicked off with an in-depth analysis, leading to the creation of comprehensive technical documentation and solution mock-ups. We maintained open communication channels with the client throughout the project, ensuring all their needs were addressed and expectations exceeded. They also had access to a test instance to track the progress of our work.


In the core of the project was the development of a modern, user-friendly web application that conforms to the Material Design standards. This platform serves as a comprehensive management hub for beauty salons and hairdressers, providing a myriad of functionalities. It facilitates the easy handling of orders, system users, employees, service offerings, their respective pricing, as well as promotions and vouchers.

A standout feature is the advanced inventory management module, which diligently tracks stock levels, thereby ensuring efficient business operations. The responsive design of the application also allows for accessibility across various devices, whether it's a desktop, tablet, or mobile phone. This cross-platform accessibility significantly enhances user experience and convenience.

Supplementing the web application, we developed a simplified Android application that supports service sales and reservations. It offers an additional layer of convenience to clients by providing them easy access to their appointment calendars. Furthermore, with a seamless integration with the Stripe payment gateway, the application ensures smooth and secure transaction processes.

These robust features and functionalities transform the Beauty Manager platform into a powerful, indispensable tool for managing beauty salons and hairdressers, ultimately leading to improved business outcomes.

Technologies Used

.NET CóręNuxtIdentity serverVuejsMicrosoft sql serverDocker

Post-Implementation Support

Following the launch, we have continued to provide unwavering support to our client, introducing new features and enhancements to ensure the platform evolves in tandem with their business needs.